Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 1 of Time Consumers Weekly

Welcome to Time Consumers Weekly, My weekly blog on the "fun" things that I find from time to time on the internet to make my life a little less boring.

I would like to note that I do not get paid anything for this blog, and if that ever does change I will let you know. This is just a personal shout out to those things that I love to do. If you want to find out a little more about me, and what I do, check out my other blog at http// It's a good introduction to what I'm doing here and why.

This week's "Time Consumer of the Week" award goes to Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook. I do not understand what it is that makes this game so addicting. I think part of the appeal lies in the fact that it is reminiscent of all the puzzle video games I use to play as a kid. You know, Tetris, Doctor Mario, Yoshi. I spent hours upon hours playing games like this, and I can honestly say that these puzzle type games are among my favorites these days as well. Another addicting factor in the game is that it lets you compare your score with everyone else that you are "friends" with that plays the game. This gives it the competitive edge that it needs so that you don't get too bored playing it. I don't know how many times I've said to myself "Just one more go." or "This is the last game I swear." and the next thing I notice I receive a message saying that I've played 40 games in a row. So here's to you Bejeweled Blitz. Thanks for making my dull hours only slightly less dull.